AI-Powered Chatbots

Connect your Chatbot to the ScalefyAPP and any other apps you desire. If a client decides to book a call or give his data in some way through our chatbot, it instantly creates a new contact on the ScalefyAPP, and a new great lifelong connection starts.

Integrate Seamlessly

Great at Conversation

Some Chatbots might give you good answers to your problems but they won't talk to you like a human does, and let's be honest, some of them might even be annoying. Through a lot of trial and error and prompt engineering we managed to create Chatbots that are great at conversation and great at understanding your prospects problems and questions. 

Chatbots for FB Messenger, Instagram and your website

We've developed Chatbots for

Higher conversions

24/7 Customer Support

Multiple Languages

Dental E-Commerce

Law Firms Clinics

Dental E-Commerce

Law Firms Clinics

See how our Chatbots are integrated into our AI-Powered System below!