A Person is looking for the solution of a problem you can solve but that person doesn't know your company

A Person is looking for the solution of a problem you can solve and has interacted with your company, via email, text, phone call, or has gone into your website

A Person is your client

There are 3 stages in a relationship between a person and a business

The AI-Powered System to overthrow your competition in 2024, getting new Clients on a consistent basis and retaining them with less hassle than ever

Our goal at ScalefyAI is to help you squeeze the maximum amount of juice at all of this stages

A Person is looking for the solution of a problem you can solve but that person doesn't know your company

More People that look for the solution of a problem you can solve have to be able to find you

If people can't find your business when they are looking for a solution for their problem...

You might as well not exist at all

How do we help you gain more Visibility?

SEO Off-Page

SEO On-Page

More Reviews

Increase Visibility



A Person is looking for the solution of a problem you can solve and has interacted with your company, via email, text, phone call, or has gone into your website

A Bigger % of People that interact with your business have to be converted into paying clients

Being visible is extremely important because it makes people want to know what you can offer to them. But if you don't have great Sales processes and good offers...

You won't sell and without sales there is no business

How do we help you Convert more?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)



Sales Funnels

AI-Powered Chatbots

A Person is your client

Improve your relationship with your clients, creating loyal customers that keep buying from you

Loyal customers are the backbone of any great business and there is no better marketing than word of mouth

More LTV(Lifetime-Value) and more and better referrals

How do we help you improve Customer Loyalty and Retention?

Better Retention and Loyalty



The System

More Visibility

SEO (On and Off-Page)

More Reviews (ScalefyAPP)

Better Conversions

AI-Powered Chatbots

Sales Funnels (ScalefyAPP)

Better Retention / Loyalty

ScalefyAPP CRM