| Review Management (ScalefyAPP)

Getting your site ranked higher on Google is one of the best moves you can make for your business. SEO is the way to do it, but, it's very hard to get it right. You can't cut corners like most SEO specialists will tell you when they try to sell you 300 backlinks for 50$. Things have changed in the last year and Google is much more aware of shady (Black-hat) techniques that all of these cheap services provide, and when detected, will downgrade your ranking or even permanently ban you from their search engine. We work with experts with 10+ years of experience and we don't cut corners, we are not trying to be the cheapest, we are trying to be the best.

AI-Powered Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

| On-Page SEO (Blog)

One of the best way to estabilish your business as an industry leader is to create a Blog. The problem is that creating a Blog is too time consuming and hiring a writer is too expensive. Then you probably started using cheap AI to create your own content and didn't realise that the copy you created is flagged for plagiarism. We use the best AI tools to create blogs that are SEO and Conversion optimized for the most searched keywords.

SEO drives 1,000% more traffic than organic social media.

76% of people who search for something nearby on their smartphone visit a related business within a day, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase.

| Off-Page SEO

Having more reviews, not only helps SEO as it makes your business seem more legit. With the ScalefyAPP you can automate review requests to your customers to ramp up the amount of reviews you have.

See how SEO is integrated into our AI-Powered System below!